How to teach a puppy to go to the toilet

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dog peed

Throughout these months, the most frequently asked question on the web is curiously how to teach a puppy to go to the bathroom and relieve himself in a specific place. It is completely normal that when we adopt a more adult puppy or dog, he will relieve himself at home.

Although there are obviously some guidelines to follow to correct that behavior and teach it to do where it belongs. Either inside the house in a place enabled for it or simply for you to do it outside the home.

Index of contents

  • 1 My puppy pees at home
  • 2 My adult dog pees inside the house
  • 3 How to teach a puppy or dog to pee in a certain place at home
  • 4 How to teach a dog to urinate and defecate outside the home

My puppy pees at home

If this is your situation, the first thing you should know is that it is completely normal for your puppy to pee and poop inside the house. No dog is born taught and it is our obligation to educate them correctly to avoid things like this.

If your puppy is less than three months old or does not have all the vaccines in place, remember that he cannot leave the house, because he could catch some common disease in dogs but dangerous for puppies with the immune system still undeveloped. You have more info here: Taking a puppy for a walk without vaccines.

So the only option is to teach your puppy to go to the bathroom and do his things indoors, in a place enabled for it, such as a balcony / terrace / garden, the kitchen, the bathroom itself…. where you think best and that is obviously always accessible to the dog.

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My adult dog pees inside the house

If your dog is a new member in the family, it’s completely normal for him to pee or poop at home. This is due to several factors, such as:

  • Change of environment
  • Change of schedules on walks
  • Stress / nervousness
  • Lack of Adaptation

It takes a dog at general levels between one and three months to adapt to a new environment / home, so just be patient, give it love and practice the tips below.

dog peeing at home

How to teach a puppy or dog to pee in a certain place at home

It takes time and a lot of patience to teach a dog to pee or poop in one place at home. If it is a puppy we will have to have even more patience if possible, since how you know the puppies are how you drink, they do not learn … you have to be very patient and follow the same steps continuously.

The first thing to do is locate a place that is always accessible to the puppy. A corner in the kitchen for example or in the bathroom can be a good place. There we will place a training tray, which is nothing more than a place to teach our dog to urinate.

It is very important to place a training tray for two reasons:

  • The dog will associate its scent to a place where it can pee or poop
  • You can put soaps that absorb the pee in seconds, thus eliminating odors and making the area more hygienic.

Soakers are like a kind of small, thin blanket that is placed on the training tray. They are like diapers but shaped like a small blanket. They will help us keep the training tray clean and avoid bad odors (they are very practical).

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We can also use newspaper as an alternative, but they are not as hygienic or as recommended … since many times the puppy gives him to bite them, break them and scatter them throughout the house.

The trick for our puppy to learn to pee only on his training tray is to congratulate him a lot when he does it there. Caresses, verbal congratulations and even a prize in the form of a dog biscuit.

puppy in pee drench

By cons, when you pee in a place where you shouldn’t, we have to completely ignore it. Yes, you read correctly, no scolding, no pouting, no angry talk, or anything…. just ignore it completely. If we catch him right at the moment, we can try to take him to the place where he has to pee and if he ends up there, congratulate him a lot.

We insist, puppies are just that, puppies. You have to be very, very patient with them, insist over and over again on the recommended guidelines and with patience and time we will see how they finally learn. From the age of three months and as long as you have their vaccines on, they can go outside and we can teach them to do their things outside the home.

How to teach a dog to urinate and defecate outside the home

This part is the most fun and simple at the same time, since both the dog and you will enjoy putting it into practice. The first thing we should know is that these techniques are applicable to both puppies and adult dogs, both learn in the same way.

We must create a list of outings that is consistent, since our dog will need to relieve itself several times a day. It is advisable to take our dog or puppy out at least four times a day, if they are more times, better than better.

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For example, a departure in the morning when we get up (08:00 a.m.), a departure at noon (1:00 p.m.), a departure in the afternoon (6:30 p.m.) and a last pee at night before bedtime (11:00 p.m.). You can adapt the schedules as they best suit you, but remember that you must always respect them.

The exits must be at least fifteen minutes (fifteen on the street, not fifteen counting the time while you arrive at the park) and one of them must be at least one hour, where the dog can play and socialize correctly.

Our dog will quickly get used to the schedules and with patience and practice he will learn to endure his needs until the time for the walk arrives.

The technique is very simple, congratulating our dog a lot every time he pees or poops away from home, it’s that simple. You have to verbally encourage him by congratulating him, petting him, etc … This is the easiest and most practical way in the world, to teach a dog to pee outside the home.

Remember never to scold him when you do it at home, just ignore him. In this way your dog will learn this trick very quickly and in time it will stop doing its things completely at home, except obviously for an accident.

A puppy can take two to four months to learn fully, while an adult dog can do it in one to two months. Patience, perseverance and encouragement, it seems somewhat complex but it is very simple.

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