My dog ​​gets dizzy in the car What to do?

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One of the most comforting experiences of having a furry friend is going on a trip with him and discovering nature together. However, some of those adventures are far from home and the car ride can make your dog uncomfortable.

Dogs, especially puppies, as in the case of children, are especially prone to dizziness when traveling in vehicles. However, if you follow the advice in this article, you will learn how to prevent your dog from getting dizzy in the car and enjoy the trip with you.

Index of contents

  • 1 Why is my dog ​​dizzy in the car?
  • 2 How to know if a dog is dizzy? Symptoms
  • 3 How to act if a dog gets dizzy?
    • 3.1 Steps to avoid dizziness
  • 4 My dog ​​is afraid of the car
  • 5 Anti-motion sickness medication for dogs

Why is my dog ​​dizzy in the car?

The first thing we must know to try to solve the dizziness is the origin of these. Among the main causes stands out the anxiety or stress. Ignorance of the environment, the situation and the destination to which we are heading can alter the behavior of the animal.

In addition to anxiety, other common causes are:

  • Puppies maladaptive as a consequence of the lack of development of the mechanisms that regulate balance
  • Ear problems, such as trauma or infection
  • Rough driving on our part
  • Excessive curves along the way
  • Lack of habit
  • Traveling after a hearty meal
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How to know if a dog is dizzy? Symptoms

The symptoms that your dog will present if he suffers from dizziness in the car are the following:

  • Moaning and whining
  • Nervousness and agitation
  • Gasps
  • Yawning
  • Excess salivation
  • Tremors
  • Barking
  • Gagging and nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea


How to act if a dog gets dizzy?

Except for some specific causes, such as ear problems that will only be remedied after veterinary treatment, most dizziness in the car they are solved with a lot of patience and perseverance.

To avoid the anxiety that some dogs feel when getting into a car, we must teach our pet as a puppy that this place is a cozy and safe place. Getting your dog familiar and comfortable in the car should be the first step.

However, if your dog is already an adult and suffers from dizziness when traveling in the car, you can also follow the advice below. It may cost you a little more, but with patience you can make your dog enjoy the trip.

Steps to avoid dizziness

First, it allows the dog to sniff and recognize the environment before getting into the car.

Afterward, give him a place of his own inside with some of his favorite items, like toys and a blanket, and encourage him to get in and out of the car with games several times.

After recognizing the space as a family environment, try to make your first car trips relaxed. For this, walk or play with the dog before traveling, but be careful, not just before the trip, as this could cause the opposite effect and over-excite you.

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Start by taking short trips so that the dog understands that the vehicle is not a place to be feared.

You can also offer positive reinforcements when you see that the dog is relaxed in the car. For example, caresses, loving words and some prize (the latter better at the end of the trip). If, on the other hand, you are stressed, try not to pamper him too much, as it will not help.

Another step to follow is avoid driving abruptly. Although there are turbulent routes that we will not be able to avoid, it is in our power to avoid violent acceleration and braking.

In addition, it is important to make stops on long trips every one or two hours so that our dog is ventilated and relaxed.

Finally, remember to take frequent trips by car so that the dog gets used to it. It is of little use to follow these indications once a year. Persistence is important to get used to our friend and achieve our goal.

My dog ​​is afraid of the car

For those adult dogs that are afraid of the car and are already dizzy automatically, in addition to following all the tips already described, you can try changing their perception of the trip.

First, find a quiet place away from home and encourage her to get in the car. Inside, he tries to get someone to accompany and entertain him on the journey, and after reaching the destination, he plays and caresses the animal. Finally, when you return home, reward your friend and keep playing with him.

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If you repeat this on a regular basis you will most likely get your dog to understand that getting in the car is not a bad thing or a reason to get stressed.

Anti-motion sickness medication for dogs

If the problem persists after trying all these steps without success, you should visit the vet to examine your dog and rule out any health problems that may be causing dizziness.

After ruling out pathologies, the vet may prescribe some special medications to reduce the suffering that your puppy feels when traveling. Some medicines are indicated to reduce the feeling of nervousness, others for dizziness and vomiting like they do.

Of course, whether you choose drugs to achieve muscle relaxation or to prevent vomiting, it is important that you consult the vet before giving anything to your dog.