Home remedies to cure diarrhea in dogs

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Diarrhea is a relatively common process in dogs, regardless of their age. It is related to an alteration / irritation in the small or large intestine. It consists of the deposition of formless and very liquid stools with more frequency than usual.

It is due to rapid transit through the intestine, so that water is not absorbed. The consequence is that the stool gets liquid into the rectum. There are several causes of diarrhea and only the mildest can be treated at home at home. Do you want to know how?

Index of contents

  • 1 Diarrhea vs. decomposition
  • 2 Causes of diarrhea in dogs
  • 3 How to deal with diarrhea?
  • 4 The reintroduction of food after diarrhea
  • 5 Can we use anti-diarrhea drugs?
  • 6 Tips to prevent diarrhea

Diarrhea vs. decomposition

We must distinguish soft stool from what would really be diarrhea. It is normal that, after a stressful situation or an improper intake, the dog’s stools appear with a much softer consistency than usual. But this is not diarrhea.

Diarrhea implies, in addition to liquid stools, that the frequency of bowel movements is increased. Diarrhea can be acute or chronic. An acute episode that does not cause dehydration can try to be treated at home, but chronic cases always need the intervention of the vet because testing is essential.

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Causes of diarrhea in dogs

Diarrhea in dogs has two main causes, which are some change in diet or the presence of intestinal parasites. Stress, food intolerances or the consumption of some drugs are other causes. In addition, there are several infectious diseases that can be serious and also have diarrhea as a symptom.

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Therefore, unless we are dealing with a mild case in a healthy dog ​​or we are certain of the cause, we should not attempt treatment on our own. You always have to go to the vet. This is essential in the case of puppies, dogs with other symptoms, dehydrated, sick or when the diarrhea presents blood.

How to deal with diarrhea?

If our dog is among the situations that we have pointed out as susceptible to being treated at home, the first thing is not give him food throughout the whole day. On the contrary, water yes you should always have at your disposal.

If the diarrhea is very abundant we can offer serum, which can be added to the water. In the event that the dog rejects it, it is better to drink only water than to remain without drinking. In about 24 hours the diarrhea should have subsided only with these measures.

The reintroduction of food after diarrhea

When the diarrhea has stopped, it is time to reintroduce the food. For this you have to choose a diet that is easily digestible and low in fat. It is recommended to offer cooked minced meat, boiled rice, or cooked chicken without the skin. Cottage cheese, macaroni, or soft-boiled egg are other acceptable options.

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We will distribute the ration in 3-4 doses throughout the day. The next day, if the diarrhea has not returned, we can mix this menu with your usual diet for a couple of days, until you return to your usual diet.

Can we use anti-diarrhea drugs?

If we think about administering a drug to control diarrhea, it is better that we consult with the vet. In clinics we can find products such as Pro-enteric or Canikur-Pro, which contain probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms that are beneficial.

They are yeasts or bacteria that are part of the normal flora of the organism. In other words, these are products that will strengthen the beneficial intestinal flora of the dog. Pro-enteric also retains bacteria, toxins, and water, preventing injury to the intestine and helping stool to acquire consistency.

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For its part, the Canikur-Pro includes a prebiotic in its composition. Prebiotics promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. It also has an effect of absorbing excess liquid.


Tips to prevent diarrhea

Better than always trying is preventing. Inadequate intakes are common causes of diarrhea in dogs. They are due to their natural tendency to eat carrion, garbage, decomposing food, carcasses of other animals, herbs, papers, etc. To avoid it we have to be very careful with any potential edible that we leave within its reach.

Educating him not to eat anything he finds, closing the garbage can tightly, or preventing him from wandering around unsupervised are measures to avoid this harmful behavior. Too you have to be careful with your diet. Not only with the food we offer, but also because some dogs suffer from food intolerances, a cause of rapid intestinal transit.

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Any changes to your menu must be progressive. If we want to add dairy to an adult dog, we must start with small amounts. It is normal for non-puppy dogs not to digest lactose. Internal deworming prevents intestinal parasites. Also, some drugs cause diarrhea. The dog should never be medicated on our own.