ESSENTIAL care for a Doberman dog Did you know?

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brown doberman dog

Among the most intelligent races that exist on the planet we highlight the Doberman dog breed for its impressive qualities and dexterity. If you are thinking of sharing your life with a Doberman, congratulations, you will never regret it.

But you must take into account some small details so that in addition to living happily, you can live healthy and with a life expectancy above the average.

Index of contents

  • 1 Care that a Doberman dog needs
    • 1.1 Feeding
    • 1.2 Ears
    • 1.3 The ones
    • 1.4 The eyes
    • 1.5 Teeth
  • 2 Hair
  • 3 Care against parasites
    • 3.1 Fleas and ticks
    • 3.2 Mites and lice
    • 3.3 Intestinal parasites
  • 4 Immunization Schedule for a Doberman
  • 5 Exercise
  • 6 Do you need to cut off its tail and ears?

Care that a Doberman dog needs


It is necessary to feed our Doberman a specific feed for puppies until they are fourteen / sixteen months old, which is when we can start with an adult feed.

Just try to choose a high quality feed that has its hydrolyzed ingredients, since this way our dog will be able to absorb all the nutrients much better. Completely avoid the well-known “supermarket feed” as they are of very low quality.

Our advice is that if you have the opportunity, feed it with natural food such as BARF dog food.


The best way to clean your ears is with a sterile gauze moistened with a specific product to clean your ears (sold by veterinaryns) or with saline. Remember that his ears are extremely sensitive, so be very careful.

It is advisable to clean your ears at least once every fortnight, although if you appreciate that they accumulate a lot of dirt, you can do it once a week. Once cleaned, wipe with a dry gauze pad to remove any traces of moisture.

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nails of a doberman dog

The ones

You don’t need to worry about your Doberman’s nails as they usually file themselves alone with daily rides and games. However, if that were not the case and you want to cut them a little, remember that they have blood vessels and nerves under them (they are not like those of humans).

So we must only cut the tip and checking beforehand that we did not reach the nerve: How to Properly Trim a Dog’s Nails.

The eyes

Dobermans do not usually have eye problems, but if you appreciate blemishes or traces of dirt, remember never to clean them by hand or with a piece of paper, as we could harm you.

Ideally again, use a sterile gauze impregnated with a little saline. If we appreciate that the segregation of green leganes is constant, possibly having an infection that requires veterinary supervision.


Tartar is one of the main problems that we can see in the teeth of a Doberman, generally produced by the use of commercial feed and anti-tartar snacks (yes, snaks do not remove tartar).

In this situation we can choose to go to the vet to do a dental cleaning (similar to what we do to humans), or to give us fleshy bones so that tartar disappears on its own. Still don’t know the bones that a dog can eat?

teeth of a doberman dog


The hair of a Doberman is very fine and short, so it may possibly get stuck in our clothes, in our furniture, etc … The best way to avoid it and also to take care of its hair correctly, is to brush every two or three days.

The brushing should be smooth and with a specific comb for short and fine hairs. In addition, a monthly bath will be great for removing dirt.

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Care against parasites

Both the internal and external parasites can affect our Doberman, causing him to suffer from itching, pain and many diseases that can even end his life.

Let’s review which are the most important and how we can avoid them.

Fleas and ticks

Possibly they are the best known since they are easily detectable, it will be enough to make a review of our dog, carefully separating its hair with the help of our hand to see if it has any fleas or ticks.

Although both parasites are harmful, the tick-borne diseases both our Doberman and ourselves are without a doubt the most dangerous.

A monthly anti-parasite pill will be enough to keep it protected (for sale in veterinary clinics). Or failing that, a pipette and / or repellent collar, although we definitely recommend the pills.

Mites and lice

More complex to locate due to their tiny size, mites can cause our dog a lot of itching and even skin problems. The same happens with small lice, which will bother you so much that you will end up getting hurt from scratching.

So remember to use an acaricidal soap to apply it in all your baths, your vet can recommend an effective and high quality one.

Intestinal parasites

These types of parasites are more complex because we cannot see them, with the exception of some that are discreetly shown in the faeces (such as the known worms).

Some of them are really dangerous like the well-known heartworm, others are more harmless but equally harmful to your health. Cestodes, lambias and nematodes are the most common.

A few simple pills will keep our dog protected against this type of parasite so dangerous.

doberman dog sitting on the grass

Immunization Schedule for a Doberman

The best way to prevent our Doberman against the many diseases that can attack him, some of them fatal, is with simple vaccines that we can find in any veterinary clinic.

  • After a month and a half of life: Vaccine parvovirus.
  • At two months old: Multipurpose vaccine.
  • At three months of age: Reinforcement of the multipurpose.
  • At four months of age: Rabies vaccine.
  • After one year of life: Second memory of the multipurpose and memory of the Rage.
  • Every year throughout your life: Multipurpose and anti-rabies vaccine.
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Remember that a Doberman breed dog is very active by mere genetics, so taking long daily walks and even running for a while is highly beneficial for your health.

When they are puppies we should never force them, just let them run and play until they get tired (they will set the pace).

From the year and a half of life we ​​can start exercising by having them jog with us or while we are cycling. But, we should not force them too much since this breed is prone to suffer heart disease.

Ideally, they should always exercise but without forcing them, that is, at their own pace.

Do you need to cut off its tail and ears?

Absolutely NOT. Amputating its tail or ears is something that is penalized by law (it is a crime) and if we see that a breeder or veterinaryn does it, we must report it.

This practical trick is only done with the intention of making the dog seem fiercer. It has no benefit on his health, on the contrary, it is harmful to him.

We hope that after reading these recommendations on care for a Doberman, you will be encouraged to adopt one and share your life with it. They are really loving, smart and playful dogs, a breed of 10.

  • Do not miss: The most outstanding curiosities of the Doberman