Natural remedies for cystitis in dogs

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Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder that can be very uncomfortable for dogs. Also, if it is not cut in time, it could affect the kidneys. That is why early treatment is important.

In addition to the drugs that the veterinaryn prescribes, at home we can take measures to help our dog avoid and recover from cystitis. But it is essential that we distinguish prevention from cure.

Index of contents

  • 1 What is cystitis?
  • 2 Why do cystitis occur?
  • 3 What are the symptoms of cystitis?
  • 4 Why should cystitis be treated?
  • 5 How is cystitis treated?
  • 6 Natural remedies against cystitis

What is cystitis?

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder walls that in dogs is usually caused by a bacterial infection. It affects both males and females, regardless of their age.

  • Complete information at: Cystitis in dogs

Why do cystitis occur?

There are different causes that predispose dogs to suffer from this pathology. For example, infections in the urethra, which is the tube that leaves the bladder to the outside to eliminate urine. Both males and females can precede bladder infection.

Factors that increase the risk of cystitis are considered aging, diabetes both type 1 and type 2 or prolonged corticosteroid treatments. In males without castrating prostatitis, that is, inflammation of the prostate, may also be related.

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What are the symptoms of cystitis?

We can suspect that our dog suffers from cystitis if it shows symptoms such as the following:

  • Pain when urinating.
  • Increased frequency of urine output.
  • Cloudy urine in which we can perceive an abnormal odor.
  • Females may also have a discharge and it is common for them to lick the area.

Why should cystitis be treated?

In addition to the obvious discomfort that the affected dog will feel, cystitis contributes to the formation of urinary stones. The groups of bacteria found in an infection suppose a good structure around which the minerals that form the stone or stone can be deposited.

Another serious complication of leaving cystitis untreated is kidney involvement if bacteria rise from the bladder to the kidneys through the ureters. This could lead to kidney failure.


How is cystitis treated?

If a bacterial infection is detected antibiotics are inevitable. Of course, we can use a specific one if the vet has carried out a urine culture. This procedure allows us to identify exactly what bacteria it is and, therefore, to select an antibiotic that we know is effective against it.

Antibiotic treatment usually lasts about 2-3 weeks. After that time, even if the dog seems recovered, it is advisable to repeat the urine analysis to confirm or not the cure.

If the infection persists or recurs in a short time, the veterinaryn will have to study the case and do the culture to choose antibiotic, if it has not been done before, since a broad spectrum is sometimes prescribed based on an infection-positive urine strip.

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Natural remedies against cystitis

At this point it is essential to differentiate between prevention, treatment and recovery. So, There is no natural treatment we can give a dog with cystitis caused by a bacterial infection. . To eliminate these pathogens administration of the corresponding antibiotic is required.

On the other hand, if we want to prevent our dog from suffering from cystitis or help him to recover from one at the same time that he takes the antibiotic, we can resort to natural remedies, among which the following stand out:

  • Water: hydration is essential for the proper functioning of the urinary system. That is why it is convenient that we encourage our dog to drink and that it has clean and fresh water permanently. You can also offer wet foods with a high liquid content.
  • Vitamin C: its use is recommended for its protective effect on the urinary system by promoting the elimination of bacteria. Some foods rich in this vitamin are broccoli, kiwi or, of course, orange.
  • Blueberries: We highlight this fruit because it is the most widespread for the prevention of cystitis due to its antibacterial properties.
  • Apple vinager: This product is another one that can also be used in the prevention or recovery of cystitis.