My dog ​​has a bare nose. What’s wrong?

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If you are watching your dog’s nose flake, you are surely wondering “Why is my dog’s nose peeling?” There are multiple reasons for the appearance of crusts, white spots, or the loss of hair or skin on a dog’s muzzle.

A dry, injured, cracked or skinned nose requires medical attention. Sometimes it is due to too much sun, but other times they are symptoms of a health problem. Let’s see in detail what can cause this problem.

Index of contents

  • 1 How is a healthy nose?
  • 2 Dry, crusty nose
  • 3 White spot on my dog’s nose
  • 4 Why is my dog’s nose peeling?

How is a healthy nose?

Before you know why a dog’s nose is peeling, you need to know what a healthy nose looks like. There is a theory that a healthy dog ​​must have a wet nose, but this is not true.

The canine nose works as a temperature regulating organ. When the dogs lick their noses, the saliva evaporates and gives them a little freshness. This and the time they spend sniffing the earth are some reasons why it’s wet.

On the other hand, some breeds have a drier nose and this It is normal. Even in wet-nosed dogs, it can dry out if they stay in the sun for a while or when it’s very hot / windy.

Both wet-nosed and dry-nosed dogs are healthy. You should be concerned if you notice changes, such as sneezing, bleeding, scabs, spots and peeling areas, especially if these symptoms are accompanied by other signs of discomfort.

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Dry, crusty nose

The appearance of crusts and dryness in our dog’s nose is called canine nasal hyperkeratosis. However, it does not always imply illness.

The nose may be skinned if the weather is very cold or if the dog has been exposed to the sun, such as during a trip to the beach. In this case, scabs are the product of burns.

If the area does not have blood, we can hydrate it by placing petroleum jelly and sunscreen for children, taking care that the product does not enter the nostrils. There are also veterinary creams formulated for this area of ​​the dog.

A dog with a dry and cracked nose and who also has difficulty breathing, vomiting or bleeding, needs immediate veterinary attention. The reasons are multiple, like a cold, parvovirus or distemper, among others.


White spot on my dog’s nose

The depigmentation of the canine nose is caused by a lack of melanin. Melanin is the compound that gives color to the skin and coat; Its absence may be due to different causes:

  • Vitiligo: condition in which the dog’s body stops producing melanin in some areas. It is asymptomatic, does not require treatment or generates discomfort in your dog.
  • Stationary nasal depigmentation: It only occurs during winter, it manifests itself in the form of white spots on the nose. With the arrival of summer, the area recovers its normal color.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus: It is an autoimmune disease that appears from other ailments, such as hemolytic anemia. In addition to the white spot on the nose, there are wounds on the muzzle, decay and lameness. Requires immediate medical attention.
  • Canine uveodermatological syndrome: It is produced by the autoimmune response of your dog’s body against its own melanocytes. Depigmentation extends across the muzzle and face. In addition, it leads to complications, such as the appearance of cataracts. It requires specialized tests to diagnose itself and medical attention to avoid blindness.
  • Materials allergy: some dogs are allergic to the plastic in their food containers. If this is yours, in addition to the white spot on the nose, it will fill with scabs and you will notice it dry to the touch. Change the containers for metal ones; if the problem persists, go to the vet.
  • Nutritional deficiency: a poor diet manifests itself in different ways in your dog; among them, fatigue and white spots on the muzzle. Monitor the composition of the feed you eat and prefer those that contain vitamin A, a compound responsible for producing melanin in the body.
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Why is my dog’s nose peeling?

Hair loss on the muzzle can occur alongside a dry, cracked and skinned nose. Some reasons for this are:

  • Presence of external parasites, as the dog scratches its muzzle
  • Scabies
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus

Leishmaniasis also causes hair loss on the muzzle. It is a disease caused by the parasite Leishmania. It can be fatal if not detected early.

  • Learn more about leihmaniasis from: Symptoms of Leishmaniosis in dogs

This disease can be detected with a simple veterinary test. And acting fast is essential to prevent dog death.