Can dogs cry? Find out!

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crying dog

Although when a dog cries it does not do it in the same way as a human since they do not shed tears, its sound effect is very similar to that of human crying. It is a mix between moaning and howling, which clearly indicates that our dog is crying.

Dogs can cry for a few minutes or for many hours or even days, trying to get our attention or express their discomfort. There are several reasons why a dog can cry, so we will explain which are the most common and what we should do.

Index of contents

  • 1 Can dogs cry for the eyes? How do dogs cry?
  • 2 My dog ​​cries when I leave
  • 3 My dog ​​cries at night
  • 4 My dog ​​cries to get my attention at any time
  • 5 I don’t know why my dog ​​cries

Can dogs cry for the eyes? How do dogs cry?

Just because we appreciate tears in our dog’s eyes does not mean that he is crying, since dogs can cry, but they do not use eye tearing as we do. Dogs can have tears for a variety of reasons, from an eye infection to a simple speck of dust that may have gotten into their eye and caused a little minor irritation.

crying dog

A change in humidity or temperature can also cause a dog’s watery eyes, in the same way that the vapors of certain products such as a floor scrub or onion, if we are cooking in the kitchen.

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The direct sun in the dog’s eyes can also cause tearing that the dog unintentionally secretes as an eye hydration. However, that does not mean that the dog is crying.

Dogs don’t cry with tears, dogs cry but using a moan similar to crying or howling, never with tears.

My dog ​​cries when I leave

Dogs are coexistence animals in a pack, they cannot understand that you leave and leave them alone at home or with someone other than you. To them you are like their father, the pack leader they must always follow.

That is why when we leave for work and leave them alone at home or even in the company of other people, they start to cry. It is their way of expressing their disagreement and calling our attention so that we come back for them, since they do not want to be separated from us for a moment.

But obviously that is impossible in most cases, since it is for work or social reasons, our dogs must learn to live in solitude even if it is only for a few hours. We can teach them to stay calm when they are alone, although it will be a process that we must work for several weeks as we explain in: How to avoid separation stress in dogs.

My dog ​​cries at night

Many of us accustom our puppies from puppies to sleeping at night in their own bed. Sometimes their bed is next to ours, in our own room and at other times our dog’s bed stays in the living room, the kitchen or another dependency of the house.

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Many puppies cry at night because they feel alone, because they want to sleep next to us or simply because they are scared. Mainly the puppies, who are still too young to understand the situation.

crying puppy

Getting our dog used to sleeping alone at night will cost us to spend more than one night listening to his cry, but we should not go to his call or he will get used to it and then he will cry every night waiting for us to come.

There are a number of very practical tips and tricks to prevent our dog from crying at night, we can follow them from: How to keep a puppy from crying.

My dog ​​cries to get my attention at any time

Dogs are extremely intelligent animals that learn very, very quickly. If our dog sees us eating and we do not give him anything, it is possible that he will stand next to us and cry a little to get our attention and that we give in. A big mistake, because if we give him something to eat just then he will know that crying is an excellent tool to get what he wants.

If you want to play a little, you can also use crying, it is another way of letting us know that you want us to pay attention and spend a little time. Something very common in dogs that have little dedication on the part of their humans.

Like barking, crying can be a great way to get our attention. For this reason, we must identify when it is a real problem or when it is simply about attracting attention, since when it is to attract attention, it is best to ignore them at that moment, even if we come later, when they no longer cry.

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I don’t know why my dog ​​cries

We must not forget that dogs also cry when they are in pain, when they suffer or when they are scared. It is very important to know these situations since sometimes they require veterinary attention.

A dog with a stomach ache or pain in his paw because, for example, it has twisted a little, will cry occasionally or constantly. It is his way of indicating that he is suffering and that he needs help.

Dogs that are very scary can also cry simply to express their state of fear. We must not forget that fear is the previous step to panic and that a dog in a panic can be unpredictable, even biting.

A hungry dog ​​can also cry to tell us that he even has a stomach ache from the hunger he has, in the same way that a dog that pees or wants to poop can also cry to get our attention and to get him out of take a walk.

The same thing happens when they are happy or sad, crying is a form of expression that dogs use to express their feelings.

As we can see, the reasons why dogs cry are very diverse, identifying the reason is essential to help our dog. Dogs can cry just like humans do, but they cannot tell us what is happening to them so it is our responsibility to help them.