Pharyngitis in dogs – Symptoms and Treatment

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dog with pharyngitis

In the pharynx of our furry companions, where the nasal passages and the back of the mouth meet, various conditions can appear. One of the most common is canine pharyngitis, which occurs when the mucosa that covers this area of ​​the throat becomes inflamed.

It is true that it is not a serious problem, but that does not mean that we should not pay attention to it. If not treated well it can get complicated, so it is recommended to visit the vet when detecting the first symptoms.

Not sure if your dog has pharyngitis? Wondering what are the causes and symptoms of this condition? In this Dogsis article we are going to address all these questions and some more. Let’s start!

Index of contents

  • 1 What are the causes of pharyngitis in dogs?
  • 2 Main symptoms of canine pharyngitis
  • 3 How is pharyngitis treated in dogs?
  • 4 How can we prevent pharyngitis in dogs

What are the causes of pharyngitis in dogs?

The truth is that there are various causes for pharyngitis in dogs. Among the main ones, the following stand out:

  • Oral infections, when a wound occurs.
  • sinus or respiratory tract infections.
  • Systemic diseases like distemper or canine parvovirus.

Most commonly, pharyngitis is viral in origin, due to an abrupt change in temperature or due to exposure to a strong current of air.

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dog mouth

Main symptoms of canine pharyngitis

The most characteristic symptoms of pharyngitis have to do with the inflammation that occurs in the affected area and are similar to other conditions of the throat. The main ones are:

  • Frequent, dry cough
  • Sneezing
  • Hoarse bark
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Excessive salivation
  • Fever
  • Apathy or tiredness in the dog.

In addition, when looking at the bottom of the throat, it can be reddened and with tonsils inflamed or with pus. In the event that several of these symptoms are detected at the same time, as we said, it is best to go to the vet so that he can examine the dog and make a diagnosis.

How is pharyngitis treated in dogs?

Depending on the cause of canine pharyngitis, the specialist will recommend the treatment that he considers most appropriate. They are usually prescribed antibiotics to treat infection and sometimes also anti-inflammatory and antitussive drugs for dry cough.

In any case, you must follow the instructions given by a professional and not medicate it on your own. What you can do is help him recover by following some basic recommendations and care.

One of them has to do with food. So that the dog can swallow food better and with less pain, it is preferable to give wet food instead of feed. This type of food is sold in various formats: from canned to pâté tubs or bags with pieces of meat in sauce.

Those who prefer to continue using feed, it is advisable to previously soak it with a little warm water or broth so that it softens. If you choose the homemade dog food, try it in the form of puree or porridge.

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It is also important that the dog is warm and dry, so you should avoid walks on days when the weather is bad. At least until he’s fully recovered. If it gets wet, be sure to dry it well. With the treatment and additional care that we indicate, your furry friend will surely feel better soon.

dog with pharyngitis

How can we prevent pharyngitis in dogs

The best remedy for canine pharyngitis is its prevention. As with humans, drafts or sudden temperature changes during the winter time they are risk factors for pharyngitis in dogs.

Therefore, it is important to make sure that it is sufficiently protected and that it has a warm and dry place in which to sleep, since if it stays out in the open it is much more likely to get sick.

Avoid getting very cold liquids and getting wet. If you go for a walk on especially cold days, rainy or snowy, you can wrap it in a sweater or a raincoat for dogs. This will keep the heat better and stay drier.

Make sure your hair is not damp when you get home, and dry it as soon as possible if it is. Finally, try to avoid certain behaviors in the dog, for example, that it stick its head out the window of a running car. This is not only dangerous for him and the rest, but it exposes him more to suffering from canine pharyngitis.

So you know, good prevention is key to avoiding bigger problems. And if there are any symptoms, do not miss it. It is preferable to take your furry friend to the vet and that it is nothing, to wait and then there are complications that hinder his recovery.