My dog ​​doesn’t love me

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dog with a rose in his mouth

Although we have evolved together, humans and dogs cannot always understand each other. This allows us, at times, to doubt the affection that our dog feels for us.

However, it is possible that despite our suspicions, our dog loves us but we do not know how to interpret his way of showing it. Do you want to know if your dog loves you?

Index of contents

  • 1 The dogs love us
  • 2 Canine affection displays
  • 3 Unloving dogs
  • 4 How to get the love of our dog

The dogs love us

This statement is completely true, we see it every day in abused dogs that never turn against the humans that hit them.

We see it, too, in how they adjust to living in new families when they are adopted, and while some may need time to trust again, their first response is never an attack.

Based on this basis, it is also true that each dog has a unique personality. This means that, in our eyes, there will be more or less affectionate, with more or less ties to their caregivers, etc.

And it is these differences that can make us think that our dog does not love us.

Canine affection displays

As humans we understand that our dog loves us when it shows behaviors like the following:

  • It is always close to us.
  • He wants to sleep in our bed.
  • Lick us.
  • He greets us warmly even though we have only been away for a few minutes.
  • His favorite game includes us.
  • Come to our call hastily and joyfully.
  • Protects us if he senses any danger.
  • It allows us to manipulate it, even the belly.
  • He obeys us.
  • Try to console us if you feel sad.
  • He looks at us carefully as we speak to him.
  • Accept our pampering, kisses and hugs.
  • Allows us to bathe, brush and until we blow-dry (careful not to burn him).
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And is that dogs are herd animals, they need it, and they feel like part of their family.

We provide them with food and cover their needs, which in their eyes makes us a kind of giant mother, since we fulfill her own functions during the first weeks of her life.

Thus, many of the listed behaviors follow that instinct for safety and submission in front of the caregiver.

observer dog

Unloving dogs

We have said that the dogs love us but not everyone is going to show the behaviors of the previous section.

In addition to influencing the dog’s personality, which can be more or less affectionate, it is also necessary to take into account the experiences you’ve been through throughout his life and how we relate to him, which can affect the following:

  • His life journey: For a dog to develop healthy relationships in which it is safe and comfortable enough to show all its affection, experience during its period of socialization or imprinting.

This phase comprises the first months of life and it is in which the dog learns the fundamentals of canine behavior by following the teachings it receives from its mother and brothers.

That is why we should never adopt a puppy younger than 8-10 weeks and, in the case of a motherless litter, we must keep them together until that age.

We will save ourselves many future behavioral problems. Also, if the dog has had the misfortune of falling into the hands of a bad handler, it can develop negative behaviors without understanding what he is doing wrong.

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Furthermore, if he has suffered abuse, it is not strange that he presents fear towards humans, showing himself withdrawn before them, completely submissive, fleeting or even aggressive, due to panic, if he feels cornered. All of these dogs are recoverable with patience, love, respect and knowledge.

  • Our management: Although it is difficult for us to recognize it, sometimes we are the ones who do not know how to make ourselves understood by our dog. We treat him by putting into practice our parameters of human behavior and the result is that, although he always tries to please us, communication is not possible.

To give an example, if we call our dog and he takes time to come, but he does, and we, angry about the delay, scold him, we are transmitting to him that attending to our call is negative, so that he will be increasingly reluctant to obey, not because you don’t want us but because we have made a mistake.

That is why it is important, before adopting, to learn about the world of dogs, attend classes and, of course, contact behavioral professionals if any problem arises.

How to get the love of our dog

We can follow tips such as the following to establish a good emotional bond with our dog:

  1. Observe it, because it is the first step to understand it.
  2. Always address him gently and slowly, as abruptness transmits nervousness. It would be nice if we learned the calm signs that will reassure him.
  3. Never force it. If he does not want to be touched we must respect him.
  4. Let him be the one to come, this being a good time to reward him and thus associate us with positive feelings.
  5. Starting to manipulate it through cleaning is another of the practices that will generate a bond. Touching him, always little by little, returns him to his puppy days.
  6. Walking and, if you do, playing daily are activities that promote and strengthen a good relationship.
  7. Establish a routine of food and activities and, above all, give him his space, so that he can feel calm and safe.
  8. Of course, if the dog is terrified and we don’t get him to improve, we should put ourselves in the hands of a behavioral professional.